Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Salty Yoghurt, Anyone?

So, today was day 2 of the holiday club at the Ruth School. There were quite a few more kids, which made it much harder work! They seem to like it when someone falls over during the dramatic re-tellings of bible stories - Joseph being thrown down a well, Goliath falling to the floor (tomorrow is Daniel being thrown to the 'lions')...

This afternoon, we went to a local Gypsy Camp and did day 1 again. There was a very different feel - we were out on a dusty, stoney street with constant need for avoiding "machina". The duck, duck goose went down well, as did Joseph being thrown down the well (again!).

It's been really good fun so far, and very rewarding. At the Gypsy church service, they had very interesting music, and we all shook everyone's hand at the end. At least this time the sermon was translated for us, so we actually understood the majority of the 2-hour service!

After the service, we went to a kebab house, where there was the option of a drink that was described to us as "yoghurt with salt added". I thought it tasted of sour milk, but Jon seemed to enjoy it...

One of the best things about the trip so far is that it's not just the kids who are benefiting - as a group, we are getting closer, and having such a good time. It's certainly helped me with my faith (and with my music and english courses... and Rosie's french). I don't care that my hair is disgusting and my t-shirt is smelly with 3-days' worth of sweat - just seeing the kids run down the road to greet us this morning made all the fundraising, all the cake sales, all the travelling worth it.



  1. Erm, I think you might find your room-mates care... Glad you all seem to be having a great time! Alison

  2. Hello Romans,
    I love salty yoghurt as it is very good for something,--- I just cannot remember what.

    Oh, I remember, salty yoghurt is prescribed for disgusting hair and smelly t-shirts !!!

